潘学芳 博士简历



2001.08-2006.11 长春师范大学 副教授。主讲分子生物学,免疫学课程。

1989.07-2001.07 林职工大学 讲师。 主讲医学微生物,免疫学,寄生虫等课程。


2009.10-2012.10蒙特利尔大学  博士后

2006.12-2009.07 达尔豪斯大学  博士后

2006.08-2006.11复旦大学 博士后(导师 脑科学研究院院长 马兰 教授)

2003.01-2006.07 东北师范大学 细胞生物学 博士研究生


1999.09-2002.06山东大学 微生物工程 硕士研究生

1985.09-1989.06 山东大学 微生物学 学士学位


1用基因敲出或转基因老鼠模型研究动脉粥状硬化;与此相关的主要专业技术:分离老鼠主动脉并进行斑块染色 ( en face experiments);心脏切片染色 (red oil staning)等。

2.用老鼠模型进行糖尿病机理研究,构建相关基因敲出老鼠,并且进行糖尿病的药物治疗实验及药效研究;与此相关的主要专业技术:GTT及ITT;western Blot; 酶活性检测等。

3.神经氨酸酶Neu3/Neu4通过重塑脑神经节苷脂的组成影响神经元的发展和功能。与此相关的主要专业技术:qPCR; thin-layer chromatography (TLC);荧光免疫技术;对老鼠大脑功能进行研究的技术,如Y- Maze Spontaneous Alternation Test;Novel Object Recognition for Studying Memory in Mice等;

4.用CRISPR/CAS9 技术设计及构建基因敲出老鼠及定位突变老鼠;老鼠基因型鉴定。


  1. Xuefang Pan , Yanting Wang, Torben Lu¨bke, Aleksander Hinek, Alexey V. Pshezhetsky. Mice, double deficient in lysosomal serine carboxypeptidases Scpep1 and Cathepsin A develop the hyperproliferative vesicular corneal dystrophy and hypertrophic skin thickenings. PLoS One. 2017 Feb 24;12(2):e0172854.

  2. Xuefang Pan, Camila De Britto Pará De Aragão, Juan P. Velasco-Martin, David A. Priestman, Harry Y. Wu, Kohta Takahashi, Kazunori Yamaguchi, Luisella Sturiale, Domenico Garozzo, Frances M. Platt , Nathalie Lamarche-Vane, Carlos R. Morales, Taeko Miyagi and *Alexey V. Pshezhetsky. Neuraminidases 3 and 4 Direct Neuronal Development and Function by Reshaping the Composition of Brain Gangliosides. FASEB J. 2017;  In progressing

  3. Alexey Pshezhetsky, Xuefang Pan, Camila De Britto Pará De Aragão, Juan Velasco-Martin, David Priestman, Frances Platt, Nathalie Lamarche-Vane,Carlos Morales, Taeko Miyagi.  Combined deficiencies of endosomal ganglioside neuraminidases 3 and 4 in mice cause lysosomal GM3 gangliosidosis. Molecular Genetics and Metabolism , 2017; Volume 120, Issues 1-2, Page S111

  4. Elizaveta Katorcha, Nina Klimova, Natallia Makarava, Regina Savtchenko, Xuefang Pan, Ida Annunziata , Kohta Takahashi , Taeko Miyagi, Alexey V. Pshezhetsky, Alessandra d’Azzo4 , Ilia V. Baskakov.Loss of Cellular Sialidases Does Not Affect the Sialylation Status of the Prion Protein but Increases the Amounts of Its Proteolytic Fragment C1. PLoS One. 2015 Nov 16;10(11):e0143218. 

  5. Xuefang Pan , Grigoryeva L, Seyrantepe V, Peng J, Kollmann K, Tremblay J, Lavoie JL, Hinek A, Lübke T, Pshezhetsky AV. Serine carboxypeptidase SCPEP1 and Cathepsin A play complementary roles in regulation of vasoconstriction via inactivation of endothelin-1. PLoS Genet. 2014 Feb 27;10(2):e1004146.

  6. Carlos R. Morales, Lubov S. Grigoryeva, Xuefang Pan, Luigi Bruno, Gilles Hickson, Michael H. Ngo, Alexey V. Pshezhetsky. Mitochondrial damage and cholesterol storage in human hepatocellular carcinoma cells with silencing of UBIAD1 gene expression.Mol Genet Metab Rep. 2014 Sep 19;1:407-411.

  7. Smutova V, Albohy A, Xuefang Pan, Korchagina E, Miyagi T, Bovin N, Cairo CW, Pshezhetsky AV.Structural basis for substrate specificity of mammalian neuraminidases.PLoS One. 2014 Sep 15; 9(9):e106320.

  8. Dridi L, Seyrantepe V, Fougerat A,Xuefang Pan, Bonneil E, Thibault P, Moreau A, Mitchell GA, Heveker N, Cairo CW, Issad T, Hinek A, Pshezhetsky AV. Positive regulation of insulin signaling by neuraminidase 1. Diabetes. 2013 Jul;62(7):2338-46.

  9. Oleg Bogachev,* Amin Majdalawieh,*Xuefang Pan,* Lei Zhang, and Hyo-Sung Ro.  Adipocyte Enhancer-Binding Protein 1 (AEBP1) (a Novel Macrophage Proinflammatory Mediator) Overexpression Promotes and Ablation Attenuates Atherosclerosis in ApoE–/– and LDLR–/– Mice. Mol Med. 2011 Sep-Oct;17(9-10):1056-64. 

  10. Song Z, Wang M, Wang X, Xuefang Pan, Liu W, Hao S, Zeng X.Nuclear actin is involved in the regulation of CSF1 gene transcription in a chromatin required, BRG1 independent manner.J Cell Biochem. 2007 Oct 1;102(2):403-11.

  11. Xuefang Pan, Song Z, Zhai L, Li X, Zeng X.Chromatin-remodeling factor INI1/hSNF5/BAF47 is involved in activation of the colony stimulating factor 1 promoter.Mol Cells. 2005 Oct 31;20(2):183-8.

  12. Xuefang Pan, Zhai L, Sun R, Li X, Zeng X.INI1/hSNF5/BAF47 represses c-fos transcription via a histone deacetylase-dependent manner.Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2005 Dec 2;337(4):1052-8.

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